Page name: Rice's Art Gallery [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-22 10:34:22
Last author: Rice
Owner: Rice
# of watchers: 12
D20: 11
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Privet my angels! How did you get here? Care for a spot of tea? Too many questions yes, then I shall be quiet. :D As you may have noticed this is a gallery for my art-work or what I call art-work, depressing glances into the distance indeed. I'm trying to draw more as of late and it dawned on me that if I made a wiki I could keep track of everything and somewhat update more.
Will it word? No one knows!
Comments, reviews and general pointing are looked upon kindly here, though try to be gentle with my feelings as I am a delicate creature.

Every so one in a while I will take requests, open up art-trades etcetera. Though more than often I only do requests for my friends or draw them presents as gifts, whether they want it or not >:0. With my art-trades I usually take on three at a time and won't reopen them till I've completed it all, also I take ages with art-trades so if you do have one with me be patient.

Detailed Drawings:

<img240*0://> <img210*0://><img210*0://><img210*0://>

Quick Coloured Pictures:




<img240*0://><img240*0://><img240*0://><img240*0:stuff/aj/87488/1303845164.jpg> <img240*0://><img240*0://><img240*0://>
<img240*0:stuff/aj/87488/1310578006.jpg> <img240*0://><img240*0://>


<img240*0://> <img240*0://><img240*0://>

Works in Progress:

All practice at the moment.

Banner was made by [Chimes] - Go see her gallery now! The Artistic Library of Chimes

Username (or number or email):


2011-04-22 [Chimes]: I lub the I AM CAESAR one :P

2011-04-22 [Rice]: HA HA! Thank you. xD I feel I captured my expression perfectly. *intense look*

2011-04-22 [Flisky]: *stalks*

2011-04-22 [Rice]: *gets a flashlight out* Who made that noise? o_o

2011-04-22 [Flisky]: *hides behind a random doodle*

2011-04-22 [Rice]: ....I...thought I heard something..that's weird!

2011-04-22 [Nioniel]: I'mma steal joo. ♥
and keep you in my closet

2011-04-22 [Rice]: 8D *is in the closest* It's nice and warm in here <3

2011-04-22 [Nioniel]: *feeds you cookies under the door*

2011-04-22 [Rice]: ;_; Are they wheat and gluten free? I'm allergic.

2011-04-22 [Nioniel]: Of course. *pats head*

2011-04-22 [Rice]: CB *eats it happily*

2011-04-22 [*Leric*]: You can't steal her! Because I stealed her first ;3

2011-04-22 [Nioniel]: Nuh-uh! She's in my closet, eating my cookies. :P

2011-04-22 [Chimes]: Now, now, Children. :P I do believe I've had claim on her for yeaaaaaaaars now. :P PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF. However, I am willing to share. :P

2011-04-22 [Nioniel]: Oke. I want her on Tuesdays and Sundays. :P

2011-04-22 [*Leric*]: Fridays and Saturdays! I only have the weekend.. .___.

2011-04-22 [Chimes]: Excellent that leaves me: mondays and wednesdays. And she gets Thursdays to herself, her day off. :P

2011-04-22 [Rice]: HA HA! Oh I have a bust week! *sigh* <3 YOU ALL

BUSY! But i'm leaving that typo xD

2011-04-22 [Chimes]: Yes, you do have a bust week. Your week is chock full of breasts. ;)

2011-04-22 [Rice]: Oh don't I know it. Puuuuurrr~

2011-04-23 [*Leric*]: BREAAASTS!? hahaha

2011-04-23 [Roma]: <3

2011-04-23 [Rice]: 8D <3

2011-04-24 [Akayume]: I lub them allll~

2011-04-24 [Alexi Ice]: <3

2011-04-24 [Roma]: Roma and [Rice], sittin' in a tree...

2011-04-24 [Rice]: *dances around like a maniac* 8'D There is sooo much looove~ *sings badly*

2011-04-24 [Flisky]: K-I-S-S-I-N-G! *is finishing Roma's song*

2011-04-24 [Roma]: -[Flisky] glomp- You complete me. XD

2011-04-24 [Flisky]: [Roma], you had me at "hello". ;)

2011-04-24 [Roma]: ^^ Oh, and Rice, these are all great. I am especially fond of the third one posted under doodles. And it's great to see the Halloween picture that got me talking to you in the first place. XD

2011-04-24 [Rice]: Oh yeah. OMG THAT PICTURE HAS HISTORY!

2011-04-24 [Flisky]: I really think I should do an art trade with you sometime.

2011-04-24 [Rice]: I'd love that! ;D

2011-04-24 [Flisky]: I can do line art. I suck at colors. You don't, though. ^_^

2011-04-24 [Akayume]: :O

2011-04-25 [Rice]: Ha ha thanks. Usually with my art-trades we decide on like a style. So if you didn't want to do colours we could do a sketch request? :)

2011-04-25 [Flisky]: That would work. :)

2011-04-25 [Rice]: AWESOME! CB

2011-04-26 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: sorted. Me likes a bit of good art. Kudos to you bean pole. x

2011-04-26 [Rice]: Oh hello! Thank you <3 ....what does bean pole mean though? xD

2011-04-26 [Alexi Ice]: Very skinny person?

2011-04-26 [Rice]: In that case <3 MUCH LOVE!

2011-04-26 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: :D I have this thing , that I complement people with amusing phrases/names.

Like, musical strawberry, if somebody is attractive, and, well, musical :P

2011-04-26 [Rice]: I like it..xD I can live with being called bean pole!

2011-04-27 [XxTsomexX]: >:D

2011-04-27 [Rice]: YAY TSOME! *grabs you and dances*

2011-04-27 [XxTsomexX]: XD I so kinda want a drawing :3 hahaha oh my gosh you'd be awesome at drawing my cast for my alice in wonderland story >:D Dawn kinda reminds me of you sometimes.

2011-04-27 [Rice]: I'll draw you something for your birthday sweetness ;)

What's Dawn like?

2011-04-27 [Roma]: Hound and Ricin.

2011-04-27 [Rice]: When my lovely scanned is fixed ;_;

2011-04-27 [XxTsomexX]: She's skeptical, sarcastic, and can be kind of cruel at times. Only difference is that she apologises eventually. :P <3

2011-04-27 [Rice]: I like her already >;D

2011-04-27 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: This sounds good. Acceptable, and good.

2011-04-27 [Rice]: Champagne for everyone!

2011-04-27 [XxTsomexX]: XD haha watch me puke if I have any of that.

2011-04-27 [Rice]: *nudge nudge* It's...expensiiiiive. Only the best from moi!

2011-04-27 [XxTsomexX]: I will puke love all over your floor if I drink that haha

2011-04-27 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: Do you watch Little Britain by any chance @ the phrase 'Champagne for everyone'? And yes., I second it. Like caviar, just because its expensive, don't mean it taste good.

2011-04-28 [Rice]: Yes I do! X) Hurr hurr

2011-05-03 [Duke Devlin]: Can't wait to get back North so I can start my half of the art trade. :D

2011-05-21 [Roma]: I'm interested in a trade. But I can't draw. But I can do other stuffs! And am willing to trade writing for a fun doodle of Korvka XD

2011-05-21 [Rice]: Mate i'll draw you it for free. X3 A present.

2011-05-21 [Roma]: :O Awesome

I still wanna write you a little something. Let me give it some proper thought.

2011-05-21 [Rice]: Oh okay. Write me whatever you like. 8)

2011-06-19 [Madhalf Heatlump]: Fantastic art :)

2011-06-19 [Rice]: Thank you kindly. X) After I've gotten my new markers i'll have more proper stuff up and not just scraps.

2011-06-19 [Madhalf Heatlump]: Get Crackin' then lol

2011-06-19 [Rice]: I need to buy them you know how expensive markers are? >8U

2011-06-19 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: Love the clawed creature thingy :D

2011-06-19 [Rice]: Thank you, he's my favorite as well. X3

2011-06-19 [9jlriexqk,ktpk]: You should celebrate. You need to do the monster claw dance. *Pops some moves*

2011-06-19 [Rice]: When I have new pens there shall be monsters all around.

2011-08-17 [Eyonic]:
:O did you get your new pens???
*wants more artyness!*
Lovers the I am caesar!!

2011-08-17 [Rice]: YES I DID! 8D And I am drawing stuffs at the moment but I haven't got my new scanner yet.
I shall be drawing more stuff soon. *throws flowers everywhere*

2011-08-17 [Eyonic]:
Ah, scanner is my problem too ^.^' been having to take pictures with my camera and bleh, they looks awful

2011-08-17 [Rice]: Scanners hate me, they never seem to scan to the quality I need, but hopefully one of the lovely salespeople in a shop can show me the light.

2011-08-17 [Eyonic]:
o.o hopefully not the light of the scanner?
I've never had too bad of problems with scanners, but then again, I only sketch and then photoshop like a mad-woman XD
<- no help with scanner shopping here

2011-08-17 [Rice]: Oh god...photoshop..I tried to use that once and it lost me XD

2011-08-17 [Eyonic]:
^.^ I tried to use a camera once...I lost it o.o
Unfortunately it's still lost...
And i get way to out of control with markers and such :)

2011-08-17 [Rice]: I like traditional art but I would be willing to use photoshop...if I had a tablet that is.

2011-08-17 [Eyonic]: I've always wanted to try a tablet o.o they look like lots of fun

2011-08-18 [Rice]: I bet they are a bitch to use though, do you have an art wiki yourself?

2011-08-18 [Flisky]: They are easier than you might think.

2011-08-20 [Eyonic]: I do have an art wiki kind of, it's Eyo's dragons!

2011-08-20 [Rice]: [Flisky], you must just be a pro...I'd not doubt fail horrible XD
And I'll have a lookie [Eyonic]. 8D I love art pages.

2011-08-20 [Flisky]: It's all about getting used to watching the screen and not your hand. :)

2011-08-20 [Rice]: I'd still suck. XD

2011-08-20 [Eyonic]: cant decide if i want a scanner or a tablet next...

2011-08-21 [Rice]: Pssst...scanner. *loves traditional art*

2011-08-21 [Eyonic]: scanner probably cheaper XD

2011-08-25 [Duke Devlin]: Scanners... Always scanners :3


2011-08-25 [Duke Devlin]: TRADITIONAL O.O <3

2011-08-26 [Eyonic]: <img100*0:>

what my traditional art looks like most of the time XD

2011-08-26 [Rice]: Shut up that's awesome line art! *slaps* You should get some markers. 8D

2011-08-26 [Rice]: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ To everyone who watches this! C8 Thought I'd tell you all how much I love you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

2011-08-27 [Eyonic]: :O that's a lot of hearts lol. I used to use sharpies to color stuff XD

2011-08-27 [Rice]: I use copic sketch markers, they cost a small fortune but I love them so much. And yes....I have a lot of hearts from my many victims, but now I offer them to my watchers and friends. 8D

2011-08-27 [Eyonic]: hmm never tried using copic sketch markers, they pretty darn nice?

2011-08-27 [Rice]: They are AMAZING!

2011-08-27 [Eyonic]: hrmmm must see if i can find some and check em out then XD

2011-08-27 [Rice]: I highly recommend them, I've been using them for 4 years. :)

2011-09-22 [Eyonic]: yay new stuff!

2011-09-22 [Rice]: >_> Crappy new stuff sadly. I've been busy so I've only had time to doodle.

2011-09-23 [Duke Devlin]: MASS MURDER <3

2011-09-24 [Rice]: Damn gurl, it's our thang!

2011-09-26 [XxTsomexX]: Youuu should draw how you see a day with us would go :P

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